Criminal Justice

Welcome to the 2023-24 GAVC Criminal Justice School Year.  Please check back for updated information as we move through the school year.  Photos of activities are in the Photo Album Tab!!
Brent Dite
Criminal Justice Instructor-Morris Campus
Chief of Police (Ret.) 
Morris Police Department
Michael Putrich
Criminal Justice Instructor-Coal City Campus
Below are some photos of some of the activities from previous years.  Feel free to take a look!
Feel free to "Like" our GAVC Criminal Justice Facebook Page as well!!
"GAVC Criminal Justice" on Facebook.
2019-21 GAVC Criminal Justice - Morris Campus Student/Officer of the Year - Troy Opyd
Slide Show Photos are of the following Topics!
Physical Training
Standardized Field Sobriety Testing
GAVC Squad Car
Radar Enforcement
Volunteering for Community Events


Mr. Dite's Criminal Justice 2 class working with Anita Young (Prevention Specialist with Chestnut Health Systems), Ginni Demco (Coalition Project Coordinator Chestnut Health Systems), and Leeann Oliver of WJDK/WCSJ Radio.

These PSA’s are being played on WJDK/WCSJ Radio this week as part of Prevention Week!  Additionally, the students created PSA through Pop Up Advertisements.